About Us

Advocates Network (A-N) is a group of professional business people focused on marketing to highly paid and wealthy individuals, and the owners of small to mid-size (10 employees and up) businesses, in the north Dallas, Plano, Richardson, Allen and Frisco area.
We meet on a weekly basis, both in our group meeting and with another A-N participant in order to generate trust and confidence among members of our group about the quality of services and level of integrity so that we can recommend each other enthusiastically and confidently.

If you consider participating, you would commit to being willing to be trained, and to learning how to act almost as a sales person for each of the other members, and structuring how you approach business and personal situations in a way deliberately designed to maximize the possibility of uncovering possible clients and customers for members of the group, as well as for yourself.

To do the foregoing, we need a conviction that is heartfelt about how each of the members of the group is the solution for problems of the people we encounter. We also must have an understanding of what the others can do and what problems or situations generally cause people to need the services provided by other members of the group. We need to be able to focus on who profitable prospects would be for each other, and be able to communicate clearly the true value of the other members of the group to the potential prospect.

Meetings will be weekly on Wednesdays at the Gleneagles Country Club, 5401 West Park Blvd., Plano, Texas. Members are encouraged to gather at any time after 11:45 a.m. The meeting will begin promptly at 12:00 p.m. and will conclude at 1:00 p.m.

A typical A-N meeting includes:
  • Before the meeting, signing in to provide the information A-N needs to help you keep focused or keeping your goals in A-N (see below)

  • A time to thank others for what they have done for you

  • A presentation by one of the A-N participants in which he or she trains the others on how to be an effective advocate for his/her business

  • Closing with each A-N participant, and each guest, giving their focused (30 seconds) introduction on who they or their company are, and what they do